please take a moment to read through the FAQ before requesting an appointment F A Q Appointment Request Form Name * First Name Last Name Age * 18+ Pronouns * Email * Phone * (###) ### #### what design are you claiming? you can also upload a screenshot below Size * artists choice 4-6" 7-10" 10"+ Placement * left upper arm left upper leg left forearm left lower leg left shoulder right upper arm right upper leg right forearm right lower leg right shoulder ribs/sternum stomach upper back lower back chest neck hand foot face artists choice Please select the days that work best for you * Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Doesn't matter Have I tattooed you before? * Yes No If yes, what did I tattoo I have the worst memory :"( Will you be traveling more than 2 hours for this appointment? Yes No Questions, comments or concerns for me? I understand that I will be required to leave a $100, non-refundable deposit in order to schedule an appointment * Yes I understand that canceling the day of the appointment will cause me to forfeit my deposit. This includes no call/no shows * If I need to cancel our appointment, your deposit will be refunded. Yes Thank you!expect an email response within 2 weeks! check your spam!